Submission & Acceptance...

In facing life challenges, we have two famous names that we do not use often - out of respect to our very own ego.
Submission & Acceptance.
When most of us is humanely enough - above names could be considered to be a reasonable ingredient to make life worthwhile and bearable. It becomes interesting to note that whenever a person realize that in order to make things easier or comfortable, a need to compromise ourselves right away to certain things, or a situation. Then a need to submit to the ordeal to suit our needs and desires, not exactly knowing the consequences of that decision. However, when it turns out to be the other way around or just what we would expected it - then comes acceptance. Pretty sure, that we got really no choice whichever comes first, the negative or the positive results. This is a common life situation that happens almost everyday. We find no control as far as we know it.
Everything is done thru the media, ads, newspaper and plus the people who discuss all different kinds of things that lead us to addiction. Our life somehow evolve completely on this very situation unconsciously - and if we appear to be conscious of it, it's too late we're already hooked up and buried alive.
In a case like this, the deal is to truly get the whole picture of why we should be making a decision simply because it is a call of time, or no choices, or perhaps life and death situation that we have to sign a paper to agree on something we feel oblige to - or - it is a moral requirements from us.
There are lots of things we actually do not know and understand when it comes to the 'specifics'. Everything were simply being presented to us in black and white and that's it! done!
This is not suppose to be made this way...we can't and we shouldn't just submit and accept whatever is presented to us - no matter how simple it looks to us. We should exercise our conviction to give it a thought and perhaps some evaluation before we get totally involve in it.
In our everyday life, we'll notice that this is on going and most of us were victims of manipulation and exploitation from those scrupulous individuals who seems to be enjoying freely. The world we live in right now - works on this level and they know for sure that we're all being taken advantage of, when it comes to dealings, publicly and privately.
This issue of submission and acceptance also happens within our very own family. Look at how married couple make their vows. There must be submission and acceptance in almost everything that they have and how huge is the demand from both of them to make their relationship works. Is it fair to be in that situation? Or is there's a way to make things more clearer - aside from submission and acceptance 'thing'?
I know that we can't agree and disagree and both enjoy the freedom right?
Now, relationship looks like a trap right? How could this be? Can we be involve and live together without having to submit and accept what is require of us on issues that we feel we shouldn't be committing to? Will it appear to be normal not to? are we suppose to be binded by rules, laws, or agreements all the times? Why do we have to be in that situation in almost all of our life?
Why a huge contract all the time? Can't we just say yes or no and that's it?
I think we don't have to live in the mountain just to be free from all this stuff right?
Now, we can see that our society, government, private life, family life and every body's life all demand us to be in this situation. "Commitment!"
Submit + Acceptance = Commitment.
Got it!



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