The Double Edge - Sword

The Tongue...

The most ferocious part of our physical body - labeled as sharper than ' the double edge sword'. This information can be proven by yourself. This tongue if we'll look and study it closely we can see how truly powerful it is. But surprisingly, not many have the awareness to control it during our individual waking time. Seldom we reflect on what's it all about and what it can do.
Most of us, just live their lives freely speaking anything without realizing the consequences of every words spoken of.
There are really some big issues concerning how we say things and the effects of it to every listeners. No matter if we wrote them down, emailings, sms, texting, or voice recordings. Everything we say - transform our world. In fact, the whole world at large. It is our voices that has made everything into reality. The words.
There is no other element in this whole universe that has made all things possible except thru the use of words, language, oration, mantra and prayers. All these spoken words create, uncreate and recreate everything that we perceived. Nothing is impossible when a words were spoken of correctly - even if it causes life and death.
It is truly sharper than any sword mankind ever made.
We can use it either to curse or to bless. To heal or to break. To create and to destroy. To encourage and to discourage. To impress and to express. To love and to hate. For peace or war.
The tounge is one key element which can benefit us if we'll use it properly, with mindfulness, with dedication, with pure intent, and to better ourselves and others as well.


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