The Silent Mind...
The mind of an ordinary mortal is like a playground. Heavily loaded with millions of images and thoughts that has no apparent purpose. It lives and exist within that sphere where no rules are followed. Those thoughts were consistently germinating and evolving, growing into fullness like creatures that has life within itself. . Every thoughts, and images formed within the framework of mental faculty is like an experimentation within a laboratory. The skilled worker helps to make its creation a reality with life. The mind is the vehicle of creation, it is the sphere where all things were made into fruition. All the thoughts and imagery that exist were real and if infused by energies constantly - they becomes a living entities. . The mind uncontrolled is like a place where all wasted materials are dumped into. It becomes a wasteland, polluted, corrupted, not conducive for life. A mind that can never be inhabited by anything of value. . As we live this life we do need to contemplate seriou...