The Joy of Loving...
Each one of us have variety of experiences and stories to tell when it comes to loving. Some are still discovering what it is all about, some were done with it, some just got childrens and forget all about it, some are still chasing it, some were tired of handling it, some simply would like to ignore it, some were trying to work it out, some were able to have it for a while and ended it, some were having fun and finding it all well, some were broken hearted with broken wings and broken dreams as well, some move on with life thinking that the end has come, and some have been endlessly loving as if heaven can't wait.....Whatever situation we are in ~ it is truly worthy of experience having to learn and understand love. There's a pattern we've seen along the way and sometimes out of total confusion and distraction many have missed out details and the very reality of love. There's harmony, balance at the beginning and later the mood changes and the pink becomes gray. Love disappear in thin air...Which shouldn't be the case.
Yes, we're all busy individuals and love sometimes becomes simply an idea that float in our mind. Our attention have been engage more on our daily affairs and obligation. Everything around us does not seem to matter at all. Life goes on and things come and go...even people do come and go too!Nothing stays longer except those that we cherish in life but friends and loved ones do go as well ~
The Joy of Loving has something to do with the way we see life in fullness, broadness and totality. Not limiting our perception to the few around us but seeing everything in full picture and in full spectrum as well. It's of course, would all depend on our own maturity so to speak ~ not all of us are able to embrace love as essentially as it should be.
There's a joy in loving when we do it naturally, freely and selflessly ~ without pre-conditions, pre-requisite and calculation. Love is not mathematics or science that need critical thinking. This is not something that we formulate and put into a lab test.
Loving ~ is about devotion with clarity of perception, purity of the heart minus the ego, and readiness of the mind to accept and embrace not the object of affection but the very soul of the person. It is a fearless effort from us to love and experience loving which makes our life meaningful.The joy comes effortlessly when we are engage with love. The motion set everything in harmony and all that we knew is we're sailing with it happily.....
Cherish the love and take it with you wherever you go...this is all you need in this life!
With you in love and light,