One Ray of Light...

Each of us at this level of our existence have greatly evolve, becoming a developed being ready to enter a kind of life that is true, perfect, pure and spiritual.
Some or most of us have already seen this reality happening in their lives - and are preparing, working and progressing along the spiritual path.
These discoveries were among the many important and wonderful works that our Great Elder Brothers have imparted to us - that we may all walk the same path where they previously trodden. They have prepared the way for us that we may walk the path freely and with dedication.
They believe that humanity's destiny is Their destiny and that They will continue to standby and wait for everyone to complete their individual journey before They move on to the higher realm of existence.
When we've come to realize who we are - we begin to walk with determination, courage, insight, wisdom and full of love. For finding the real Self bring us closer and closer to our divine origin - which is The Divine Self. The One Ray of Light that reside within our heart. The very God within us, The Supreme Splendour which has been waiting for our return - then we've finally found our Self...The Only Self that is also in All...


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