
Showing posts from February, 2015

Love Knew It

Love. The Spirit knew what love is because it is where everything comes from. In every level of creation and manifestation the glorious expression of life can only be realize through the connection of the heart because it is where love is. With love everything is related. There is none outside of it. All is One with It. Indivisible and Unbreakable. Nothing can separate us because love bind us all. There is no need for ideas or even knowledge because they are illusion. We are One with All. To love and be loved ~ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Love is I AM ~ I AM Love. It will remain throughout Eternity as That. Love and Light, Adj

The Inner Life

If there was such a thing as 'The Outer Life' then, there must also be 'An Inner Life'. Men of the world have not come to this point to where a discovery should be made. For it is always about the waking and the world without that we look forward to. To place oneself into a state of peace, in silence or even for a moment of non-action is impossible. So how are we able to recognize or even realize the existence of the inner life when all the while our whole attention is to the mundane world? If there was such a thing as 'The Exit' then, there must also be an 'Entrance'. To be awakened into this world is to be back, to return or to exit. Therefore, the entrance to this 'so called' inner world must be an entrance, to enter or to retreat within. How are we to enter into that sphere or plane of existence while we are connected with the physical world? There must be a way or a process to be able to penetrate the inner world. Surely, there is and...