
Showing posts from October, 2010

The Yogic Path

The Path of Yoga ~ Is not in a distant location where we have to travel to study it. Yoga is a discipine performed by those who are willing to devote their time freely and with flexibility. It is a regimen which is done for the sake of making the bodies toned, balance and in harmony with life. One enter into this practice with devotion for life and with willingness to do what is necessary to bring about the changes needed to become a better human being in order to be a beneficial instrument for the world and a light unto oneself. Yoga is a way of life for those who practice it everyday. One developed an awareness so subtle that it changes the way one look at life. The perception shifted into a much higher level and have bring the mind into a much greater awareness too. A new and profound sense of awakening has taken place when a person engage into this spiritual discipline which make the self become whole, healthy, attuned, awake and ever mindful of life purpose. Love and Ligh...